Monday, May 22, 2006


Envy proved that even with dropped ears, she has it! She is now Can Ch Diamond Danes Heavenly Sin. Way to go Envy!!

Tuesday did her thing today too!! Not to be left out, she took Reserve Winners! Although no points she showed very well today. Sandy says she isn't eating well (could have fooled me the way she snarffled back my bait!!), so here we are, fingers crossed, hoping that she's pregnant!

Auld Lang Syne Results (sun/mon)

Sunday May 21st 2006

Judge: Dr. H Smith (1-3-0-0)

BOB/BOW/WD - Ladoguerie Blackstrap a Ranconteur (12-18 mth Black)Breeder: Michele Valois
Owner: Annette Gauthier & Michele Valois
Handler: Cynthia Lerfold

WB - MiHi's It's All About Me, CD (needs 1 pt to finish)
B/O/H: Michele Grenkow

BP - Lagarada's Forever After At MiHi
Breeder: Fran Lass
Owner: Michele Grenkow & Ellie Hunter
Handler: Michele Grenkow

Monday May 22th 2006

Judge: Mr W Schicker (1-3-0-0)

BOB/BOW/WD - Ladoguerie Blackstrap Le Ranconteur (Finished!!)
Breeder: Michele Valois
Owner: Annette Gauthier & Michele Valois
Handler: Cynthia Lerfold

WB/BOS - Diamond Danes Heavenly Sin (FINISHED!!!)
Breeder: Karen Martin
Owner/Handler: Michele & Darcy Grenkow

BP - Lagarada's Forever After At MiHi
Breeder: Fran Lass
Owner: Michele Grenkow & Ellie Hunter
Handler: Michele Grenkow

BBE - MiHi's It's All About Me, CD
B/O/H: Michele Grenkow

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Day 3 of Shows

Well I'm now in that position that no breeder ever wants to be in. I have two bitches at nine points, up against each other for their championship tomorrow.

With each bitch I have a lot invested; Dade is my own breeding, can be used towards my judge credits, is another champion for both Tonka and Rocket and makes her a dual champion (conformation and obedience). Envy is due to be bred, her Canadian championship is the stepping tone to her American championship and it would be another champion for Sarah and Ace.

So here I am, torn, wanting both to win as equally as the other, but hating leaving it up to chance.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Dreaded Nine

So Envy is now at the dreaded nine Canada it takes 10 points to make a champion, so to have 9 points is a nail bitter! Tonka stayed on 9 points for 3 years (not that I showed her, but still!)

Tuesday can't seem to catch a look in the ring, but was showing beautifully today.

Results from Friday and Saturday Show (Danes)

Friday May 19th 2006
Judge: Ms D Graffmann (1-2-0-0)

BOB/BOW/WD - Ladoguerie Blackstrap a Ranconteur (12-18 mth Black) Breeder: Michele Valois
Owner: Annette Gauthier & Michele Valois
Handler: Cynthia Lerfold

WB/BBE - MiHi's It's All About Me, CD (now has 7 points!)
B/O/H: Michele Grenkow

Saturday May 20th 2006
Judge: Mr F Neuwirth (1-3-0-0)

BOB/BOW/WD - Ladoguerie Blackstrap Le Ranconteur (& a Group 3!!) Breeder: Michele Valois
Owner: Annette Gauthier & Michele Valois
Handler: Cynthia Lerfold

WB - Diamond Danes Heavenly Sin (now at 9 points!)
Breeder: Karen Martin
Owner/Handler: Michele Grenkow

Friday, May 19, 2006

Dog Show This Weekend

We started the Auld Lang Syne Show today. Had the girls entered to finish up their respective championships.
I'll actually be good and post the results throughout the weekend. Neither of the girls took points to day but one of my other Danes did, so that was nice.
Hopefully by the end of the weekend someone will be finished!
Maybe if I get a chance I'll get some pictures at the show this weekend and have more pictures to post. Sandy (Tuesday's owner) wasn't impressed by the tongue shot that I posted, so we'll have to fix that.

As a side note: Huge Congrats to Erin and her new position as a Wrangler (aka Teacher) of First Graders! Here's hoping the little beggars don't tie you up on your first day.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Pregnancy Calendar

I've added a calendar for those who want to track Tuesday's possible pregnancy. It's interesting for those new to dogs and a good tracker of large milestones.

Now if I pray to the Dog Gods, maybe Envy will come into heat! I'm not sure if we planned this very well, we have a potential to have two litters on the ground at the same time and it's not all puppy breathe and cuddling!! I start to go a bit twitchy by week 7 with one litter, can you imagine 2? Hopefully with the 4 years in between my last liter and this one I will have recharged my batteries.

Envy just has to have her OFA Hip test done (other then the preliminary x-rays) to get her CHIC certificate, and then if we have puppies they would be third generation CHIC!

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Deed is Done

We took Tuesday to Val and Dave's place and got a breeding to Sailor on May 8th-10th 2006. So now we keep our fingers crossed for 28 days and then run her up to the vet for an ultrasound.

A friend who is a PWD lover, already said that if we get puppies I can do a photo shoot by her lake (every PWD needs their own photo shoot!). If all works out maybe I can start to learn how to do the Courier and other water tests.

Envy is being stubborn and won't come into heat....they don't call 'em bitches for nothing! I'm so excited to use the frozen semen that we brought up from Lagarada. I'm hoping that Travis will be just that perfect compliment of body, substance and movement, to Envy. Then we just keep our fingers crossed that there are a few fawn girls to choose from! (Travis is known for throwing boys.)

I'm happy with the companion people that I have started to line up for both litters, I'd love more show homes, but who wouldn't!

I am nervous that Tuesday will have a typical Portie litter of 11 puppies, thruthfully I just haven't the homes yet for the possibility of such a large litter. Porties are too much of a working dog to place with just anyone. They need experienced dog people who are active.

Time will tell how it all will turn out, and our journey begins.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

This is Tuesday, That's Eh EuphoricFX, a parti Portuguese Water Dog. She is owned by Sandy Potter of EuphoricFX and leased by me for this litter.

This is Diamond Danes Heavenly Sin, "Envy". A brindle, Great Dane, with 7 points towards her Canadian championship.

A Breeders Blog

Have you ever noticed that when you start a sentence with "I have an idea!..." people around you cringe and run for cover? ....or is that just me? Well my brilliant idea this time was to start a blog to document my thoughts as a Breeder with two completely different litters planned. I know for sure that I will entertain myself, which I guess in the end is all that matters, so here it starts a blog about 2 litters (Great Dane and Portuguese Water Dog) from start to finish.