Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sad Day

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I let you all know that Envy is not pregnant...or at least will not be having live puppies. The vet is still confused about the movement that we spotted, but says that it looked like she absorbed the few pups she had.
I can't even begin to explain how disappointed I am, not for my breeding program and the sudden stop it has taken, but for you faithful to be rewarded with nothing.
I am so sorry.
Depending on when she comes into heat again we will most likely be driving to Colorado for a live coverage, not that it is any consolation to you....just trying to keep everyone in the loop so that you can start to make plans. For people who don't want to wait any more which I TOTALLY understand, I will be more then happy to help you find other breeders as well as recommendations to help you along.
Contact me privately with any questions you might have.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I made a funny!

So I don't know how many of you picked up the 'sound track' that went with the 'Movement' Video...we were watching 'Armageddon' on TV while filming Envy. What I didn't take into account was that I never have my volume on my laptop, so when I edited the footage it never crossed my mind. When Darcy went to check the blog to make sure I had done everything right on his computer, we were sent into fits of laughing. Between the dramatic music and voices that make it sound like the puppies were on a mission! I hope you guys got as much of a giggle as we did!

Tomorrow Envy and I are going to have the x-ray done
so hopefully we will have more pictures by dinner!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

We Have Movement!!!!

Click the title of this post "We Have Movement!!!!" above and it will send you to "YouTube" to watch my movie of Envy's tummy....of course we all know about the plans of mice and men!! lol

So if you get a link and it is to the little movie I made then enjoy
watching her tummy roll and squirm!

Deli Fresh Saves the Day!

Praise be for small miracles!! I got Envy to eat 1.5 kg of Deli-Fresh Chicken and Veggie food...if I had of had more I think she would have eaten it too. Of course tomorrow I will go out and buy a bunch of it and she won't touch it again, but any amount I can get in her is cause for cheering in our household.
My new thing that I need to figure out is how to post video much learning so little time. I think that I will have to post on youtube and then post a link here.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Week #7

Not much change since the eating thing is still the tricky part! It looks like I can't fool her and mix canned dog food in with the canned cat food. Probably after Wednesday I will get an xray done to confirm numbers for whelping. By my calendar she should have them on August 1st (...hey Jack is that close enough for your birthday?? Careful, you might just get socks instead!)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week #6.5

I am posting this picture a bit early because I think we will start to see a change for the better. I finally have been able to get Envy to eat after 2.5 weeks of barely eating. Here she is with 2 big cans of wet dog food in her gut....hopefully now that I've found something that she will ingest we will see this belly grow! You can actually see the muscle wasting in her shoulder if you look closely. I will start posting more pictures.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Week #6

Here is the weekly picture taken today (above), but on her was so hot that I didn't have the heart to make her move.

I took a picture yesterday of Envy in the usual spot but Nava started feeling very left out and decided that she needed to be in the picture....I didn't edit her out so that you can see just how needy Danes are! Worse then Raven for needing to be in pictures. Now everyone can see why I keep saying that my non-pregnant bitches look more pregnant then the pregnant one!

Friday 13th proved not to be the best day for me, I ended up getting bitten by a clients dog - a 120 +lbs Malamute X (that she insists is a wolf hybrid) - owner wouldn't even apologize...what a hag! We're waiting to hear back on the x-rays to see if it's broken, which I doubt but a green-stick fracture wouldn't surprise me. Fun-fun, can't be that bad though, still went to work today - downfall of owning your own business, you don't get to pansy out and stay home!! lol

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Week #5
I know that you guys are thinking to yourselves, why does she keep showing us the same picture over and over again?? But trust me that it isn't, I take a different one each week and then pout when there isn't a big difference, take comfort in the fact with Envy not eating or eating very little for the last week but she is slightly getting bigger by next week there should be a noticeable change (at least that is what I am telling myself, and Jack learned his lesson about not to bursting my bubble!)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


It's not the best picture, but it's the best we could get with the illusive puppies. At one point we thought there might be five, but Envy sneezed and we couldn't find them again through all the poo! So the next step is to take an xray after day 54, so anytime after July 25/26th,
but at that point 6 days later she would be whelping them!