I know that normally I am pretty good at posting pictures, but I only have news today.
I was going to take Envy in to the vet on Tuesday for a palpation, but was quickly going insane with not knowing what was going on - so I phoned up my friend (she owns 2 of our kids) at the vet clinic and begged her to put me out of my misery. Thankfully there was a cancellation and we were squeaked in on Friday at noon.
Dr. Brian palpated her abdomen and said "No puppies!"
Dr. Anita came in asking "How many puppies?!"
"None" exclaimed both of us.
"Impossible! You have done every test under the sun, there are puppies. We just have to find them. Follow me, it's time for an ultrasound."
Off to ultrasound we went - we weren't going to have an ultrasound done for various reasons, but Dr. Anita was worried that if there were no puppies, then Envy might have other issues that remained undiagnosed.
On went the ultrasound and Envy was smeared with goo.
"There's the bladder....there is the pancreas...Oh there's a - no that's the bladder again.....One!, two!, three!, four!, five!, six!...."
"Stop counting! Stop counting!! I don't care how many, I just care that she's pregnant!!"
So there we are Ladies and Gentlemen - we have puppies!
The first due date is April 10th, keep checking back. I actually had a great night of sleep - it always amazes me how much I can drive myself nutty! Well not really. lol