Friday, January 30, 2009

Ultrasound Appointment

Envy's ultrasound appointment is on Tuesday February 3rd, at 2pm.
Hopefully I will get some good photos to post.
I'm feeling hopeful!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Duke!!

Can't you tell Tonka was so impressed that her son turned 8 years today?
I guess when you are 11 years old, 8 seems like a young whipper-snapper!
Here is Duke a 8 years old, he got a steak for dinner!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Change of Plans

What weird weather!!  We have had a series of non stop blizzards, that as you can see, have made things a bit more difficult! LOL
The girls can barely walk the snow is so deep!
This is a picture of our front yard through the window, the morning we were supposed to take Envy in for her surgical AI...
...and another of the back yard...
Our fences are about 5 feet high, and you can see that they are quickly getting to the point of being able to walk over the snow drifts!

The vet phoned us yesterday morning and told us that the lab had screwed up, so we didn't go in the the surgical AI until today....still snowing!  Semen looked great in the microscope - even trying to implant an air bubble.  So now we wait....I hate waiting.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

SX AI Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the day. Envy (Ch Diamond Danes Heavenly Sin) will go in and be surgically A.I.'d with frozen semen from Am Cnd Ch MiHi's A Starz' Born.
If we were so blessed to have puppies it would be a Brindle/Fawn litter expected around
March 4th 2009.

The waiting game happens now - and as many of you know, I suck at the waiting game! LOL