For those of you that start to wonder about the cost of buying their pup and then go that one step further, here is some math for you:
Most people think $1500/pup x 10 pups = $15,000.00 I'm rich!
Think again!!
Not including the cost of the original bitch, her up keep, showing, and health testing here are the fees that I've paid just to breed Maggie and we don't even know if she's pregnant:
Newton Animal Hospital - Cultures - $80.64
Dr Vanderlip - Sending Semen up - $1027.56
Romeo - Half the stud fee - $810.13
Newton Animal Hospital - Probiotic/Antibiotics - 98.19
Dr van der Ende - Progesterones and TCI's - $1295.95
Total - $3312.47
(and there aren't even puppies on the ground yet!!)
This does not include the other half of the stud fee or x-ray, c-section if things go south, puppy toes and vaccines!
Does it start to make sense now?
Oh and ssshhhh! don't tell Darcy, I don't tell him or he'd have a heart attack!