Monday, June 13, 2011

The Theme

Here we wait....
so I was thinking about themes for this litter and unless something changes drastically I'm going with a "Cause" theme!

Start thinking up names here are some examples:

MiHi's Cause and Effect
MiHi's I Cause Chaos
MiHi's B'Cause You Want Me
MiHi's Cause You Love Me
MiHi's B Cause I Can
MiHi's Cause I Said So

I have cut and pasted the meaning, to help it make sense below:


    noun /kôz/ 
    causes, plural

    1. A person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition

    2. Reasonable grounds for doing, thinking, or feeling something

    3. A principle, aim, or movement that, because of a deep commitment, one is prepared to defend or advocate

    4. Something deserving of one's support, typically a charity

    verb /kôz/ 
    caused, past participle; caused, past tense; causes, 3rd person singular present; causing, present participle

    1. Make something happen

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