Monday, September 29, 2008

Poor Tonka

So poor old Tonka might have Vestibular (I call it Turning Yak disease).  As of this morning she has a serious lean to the right and can barely walk.  Vestibular has several different ways it can manifest itself,the most common is through infection or swelling (trauma) to the spine (the vestibula is under the jaw, but part of the spine).  The vet seems to think that when Tonka was attacked it compressed the nerves in her neck which is causing the signals between her brain and body to short-circuit.  We have sent blood work to the lab, which should tell us tomorrow for sure what type of vestibular it is.  Hopefully as soon as we know she can go on either antibiotics or steroids to help everything out.
Mean while if you see pictures of her standing at very odd angles, give an old lady a break!


E said...


Anonymous said...

Hope she starts to feel better soon, poor girl.