Sunday, April 13, 2008

We have a very odd puppy!

Envy came and brought us her "first puppy"...
Then she took the "puppy" to her whelping box...
She's very proud of it, don't you think?
Here is the little gaffer, mind you I've never seen a fawn Dane with a white mask!!
I've tried to tell her to just start pushing and then she would get to have real kids - she didn't seem to care!!


E said...

Jack and I don't even know how to comment to this post. :)

Thanks for the PRANK call! :)

We love you! HA HA!

Anonymous said...

That is very cute. Not as cute as real puppies but it looks like that is as close as we will get for now.

Kim and Dan

Rockingdane said...

Geesh! I thought for sure that when I woke up this morning (Monday) there surely would be some "real" puppies to see! Maybe when I get home from work tonight???

You know, you may be right Michele as to why Envy never took the other 2 times. I've bred bitches on their 21st day in season doing an AI and got puppies.


E said...

WOW!!! I am right there with Sonia...I thought we'd see a real pup! I give up trying to guess!!!!